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South Korean tobacco manufacturer KT&G on Monday unveiled its new heat-not-burn tobacco device Lil Hybrid, the first HNB device that works by heating a liquid cartridge. 

According to KT&G, Lil Hybrid works by heating a detachable liquid cartridge from a stick called Miix, which is specially designed for Lil Hybrid device.  

Lil Hybrid

Miix is available in three different tastes, Miix Presso, Miix Mix and Miix Ice. The liquid cartridge does not contain any flavoring. The liquid cartridge and Miix are only compatible with Lil Hybrid.

Until now, previous HNB tobacco devices by KT&G as well as from its rivals Phillip Morris and BAT Korea, worked by directly heating a tobacco stick. The sticks are directly heated at around 315 Celsius degrees. 

KT&G said with Lil Hybrid, the liquid cartridge is heated at low-temperature at around 160 degrees. 

While the company argued that its brand-new device contains reduced health risks, it declined to elaborate further on its safety test results. 

“According to our safety and health risk test conducted at the third-party organization, health risks of Lil Hybrid were reduced compared to our previous models 

Contact us for our  price of Lil Hybrid, the liquid cartridge and  Miix  sticks